Present: Literature - Rendition of the 20th Century
Amitav Ghosh is an lndian-Bengali novelist whose work offers a panoramic treatment of 20th Century history from a postcolonial perspective.
Before being redesigned in 2021, the Dan David Prize celebrated laureates whose work and research made outstanding contributions to humanity.
Present: Literature - Rendition of the 20th Century
Amitav Ghosh is an lndian-Bengali novelist whose work offers a panoramic treatment of 20th Century history from a postcolonial perspective.
Past: March Toward Democracy
Giorgio Napolitano is known for his dedication to the cause of Parliamentary democracy and his contribution to the rapprochement between the Italian Left and European Socialism.
Future: Computers and Telecommunications
Dr. Gordon E. Moore is a visionary. His 1965 prediction, widely known as "Moore's Law," suggested that the number of transistors on a chip doubles about every two years.
Future: Computers and Telecommunications
Prof. Leonard Kleinrock, Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Los Angeles is known as a "Father of the Internet."
Present: Literature - Rendition of the 20th Century
One of Canada's most renowned writers, Margaret Atwood is a prolific writer who has produced more than 40 volumes of poetry, fiction, children's books, political essays and cultural criticism.
Future: Computers and Telecommunications
Prof. Michael O. Rabin, Professor of Computer Science at Harvard University, Boston, and at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, is one of the world's most prominent computer scientists.
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