Present: Technology, Information and Society
Inventor, scientist and computer designer, W. Daniel Hillis is renowned for pioneering the concept of massively parallel computers.
Before being redesigned in 2021, the Dan David Prize celebrated laureates whose work and research made outstanding contributions to humanity.
Present: Technology, Information and Society
Inventor, scientist and computer designer, W. Daniel Hillis is renowned for pioneering the concept of massively parallel computers.
Future: Life Sciences
Sir John Sulston was a leader in human genome research, best known for his work on cell lineage and genome of the worm C. elegans.
Future: Life Sciences
Robert H. Waterston is best known for his work on the Human Genome Project, for which he was a pioneer.
Future: Life Sciences
Sydney Brenner made significant contributions to work on the genetic code, and other areas of molecular biology, including the discovery of messenger RNA.
Past: History
The Warburg Library was awarded the first Dan David Prize in the field of History for facilitating the study of Western civilization and its convergence with the ancient and modern cultures of Islam, Judaism, and early Christianity.
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